Can you make a second Instacart account?

Instacart will only allow one account per person or household. Hello, I’ve read comments from other users who claim to have created an additional account due to their previous account being unfairly shut down.

Can I reapply for Instacart?

1 answer. Yes, after your account is removed, you are able to fight it, but they’ll always refuse to accept it. No matter how great of an employee that you might be, the authorities could still do it to anyone who feels like it.

Can you delete your Instacart account and start over?

As we’ve mentioned, the only method to completely eliminate the Instacart account from their database is to reach out to Instacart directly . Here’s the contact details for Instacart customer service once again: 1-888-246-7822. … Submit a Help Request via Instacart’s Help Center.

Can I reapply for Instacart?

1 answer. If your account is removed, you are able to fight it but they’ll always refuse to accept it. No matter how great of an employee that you might be, the authorities will still harass anyone who feels like it.

What happens if Instacart deactivated your account?

We’ll look into your appeal and contact you to you with our decision within the next 48 hours.” They all knew what they did to be kicked off the site. Instacart spokesperson said Instacart spokesperson explained that if a customer can show that they were removed from the platform due to a reason that was beyond the control of their own, then they can be reinstated .

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How long can you not use Instacart?

3 answers. Yes. 25 hours of weekend work in a 3 weeks, or 90 hours during the weekdays of a three weeks. If they do not, they’ll be able to take away “early access” and leave you in a position to never get hours in the future.

What happens if Instacart deactivated your account?

We’ll look into your appeal and get back to you for a final ruling within the next 48 hours.” They all did not know what they did to be kicked off the site. Instacart spokesperson said Instacart spokesperson stated that if the customer is able to show that they were removed from the platform due to a reason that was beyond the control of their own, then they can be reinstated .